
Alpha Mission School & RAY Ministries are serving communities in West Bengal through bible-based education, vocational training, youth ministry, and orphan care.

Our partners in Indonesia are training church planters, providing medical care and clinics, and rescuing and discipling women lured into the brothels and trapped in sex work.

Dorcus House works among the poor in Kolkata, serving widows and orphans providing literacy classes, school fees, vocational training, and micro-business development.

To God Be The Glory Ministries
works among the indigenous Aeta people in the north west corner of the Philippines. They provide pre-k through secondary education, medical care, vocational training, seminary, and church planting.

Nasir works among the poor on the outskirts of Kolkata. He has discipled many to faith, planted a church, and does much outreach through triage medical care and food ministry.

Project Fit is using fitness to make disciples in Chiang Rai. Brandon and Ashleigh Armstrong are pioneering and church planting using a local fitness center and gym as their hub.