Joseph is the son of Medson Mzonda, Global Sharing’s very first Global Ministry Partner. Over two decades ago, my father, Roy Smith, met Medson at a mission conference and a friendship was born. Out of that friendship came a ministry partnership that has continued to a second generation on both sides! It is a joy to work with both Medson and Joseph, and it is my pleasure to offer this short interview to our US-based partners so that you can get to know Joseph and his ministry work in Malawi.
Ron: Joseph, thank you for sharing with us today. Please introduce yourself!
Joseph: I am Joseph Mzonda. I am 38 years old and live in the village of Ntasa in the southwest of Malawi in a district called Nsanje.
Ron: Tell us about your community.
Joseph: Our community is Sena and Chewa-speaking people, about 2000 in number. We are close to the Nsanje border, the game reserve, the port and Shire River water way, which goes all the way to the ocean. We like group-oriented activities with lots of interaction because we are a tight-knit community and love one another and love life. We enjoy football and net ball and have a community stadium by the Mulanje high mountain.
Ron: Tell us a little more about yourself.
Joseph: I am a joyful person and I enjoy being with people and showing good behavior to the community. I love African cultural movies and following the Malawian soccer team. My favorite person in the New Testament is Nicodemus because he came by night searching for the truth, and Jesus met him and changed his life! In the Old Testament I love the story of Jonah because it teaches more about the dangers of running from the work of God, and how the love of God shows up even when we have gotten into trouble!
Ron: Are you married?
Joseph: In 2004, I fell in love with a girl called Grace. We enjoyed being together and many entertainments and fun times. We shared dreams of a family and being a “team.” We became engaged with a promise to marry and did so that year. We have unity in doing things together, showing love to each other. I love that she loves me, is faithful to me, and gives me advice when I am wrong. We have three children: Emanuel, Medson Joseph, and Micah Joseph. As a family, we are most happy when we are doing things together.
Ron: How did you come to faith in Jesus?
Joseph: I’ve been a believer for 30 years. I received Jesus in 1994 at primary school when a missionary called Peter Shander visited and shared the gospel. I was baptized in 1995. But for a time, as an adult, I was working with bad company, doing evil deeds and not attending church. I was often unlovable because I was not being faithful to God or to others. I became truly interested in a better life that I saw in other Christians and wanted to be united with my parents and family, and to serve others. When I started to truly follow Jesus, my life began to show Jesus doing miraculous things in me. I shared with others, and many people wanted to also follow Jesus after seeing my life change. I continued learning better behavior, working with the Sunday School team, and joined the church choir. I was selected to be youth pastor, teaching and preaching the good news to those in church and our community, and now I am a disciplemaker.
Ron: Explain more about being a disciplemaker!
Joseph: It was in 2021 one of my friends Richard Samson who works in South Africa, called me by phone call and said “Mr. Joseph, I would like you to give me some bible verses for here. We have no time to go to attend church services for we are aliens and foreigners, we work every day and have no holidays. We need to work every day to find enough everyday food for ourselves and families.” He said, “we're lost”. So, I sat down and made plans for reaching them with the Good News. I opened an online WhatsApp group for doing DBSs and we started with four people and then eight and so on. It grew to 170 members and the groups were made up of people from South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi and Mozambique. God increased my desire and passion to reach these spiritually hungry people. I am willing to reach the whole continent of Africa with DBS through online groups to restore many more lives into Jesus Christ. One step at a time!
Ron: Who are the people you feel called to serve and what are they like?
Joseph: I am burdened for those who don't know Jesus, that unsaved people should receive eternal life. Many around me live selfishly for themselves. They are like the lost sheep, and I pray they should listen to the word of the Good Shepherd. My desire is to see God work in them, opening their hearts to have spiritual life as a priority and that they should stand firm in spiritual works and physical things like farming, animal herding, textile making (clothes).
Ron: How has being involved with Global Sharing helped you in your ministry work?
Joseph: Global Sharing has helped us here in many ways. We have been given eyeglasses to people who don't see to read the word of God clearly, given a fund when a cyclone passed that destroyed my house and those around us. Also buying me a phone for communication with DBSs throughout Africa, a thoughtful gift on Christmas day, a fund for Discovery Bible Study training conference. But most importantly, I became a partner with GS to work together and share ideas of how to reach many people with the gospel here in Malawi and beyond.
Ron: What are some challenges you face in ministry?
Joseph: Being unable to supervise new groups due to transportation needs, and not being able to gather few pastors together due to insufficient funds. The challenge of doing ministry without necessary funds. In other words, how to do ministry that is reproducible but not requiring much money. We must depend on God to do this ministry perhaps in ways that don’t rely on funds. Like a pastor said, “God’s work done in God’s way, never lacks God’s supply.”
Ron: What are some of your needs / prayer requests?
Joseph: For the expansion of ministry to many areas, my family’s personal needs. Ministry needs like a laptop, more audio bibles to distribute, more DBS training for new leaders and refresher training for established groups.
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