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Image by Barbara Zandoval

North America


David & Claudia Cuevas are pastoring the First Baptist Church in San Vicente, Mexico. They are active in making disciples locally, sending missionaries out from their body to other areas of Mexico, and serving their community by meeting both spiritual and practical needs.



Global Sharing has raised up homeless outreaches in various communities on the Central Coast of California addressing the need for change from the inside out through the gospel of grace. Providing for immediate needs while communicating genuine love and building relationships, these outreaches introduce hope and next steps by incorporating various community and church resources. 



Eugene and Ken, two strategic Chinese Church leaders banned from their homeland due to their faith, have landed in the US where they are evangelizing Chinese university students, discipling them into a relationship with Jesus, and equipping them to naturally lead house churches upon their return to their homeland. 

    Want to know more? Reach out and let's talk!

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