An Ezra Journey disciplemaking trip is tailored around the needs of a partnering church or ministry partner. Typical components of a trip include Discovery Bible Study (DBS) training with the locals (no experience's easy and fun!), area prayer walks, and in-home visitation for prayer or food and supplies distribution. Sometimes, there are opportunities to participate in building projects, painting projects, or assorted local help projects for the church or community. These projects serve as great gateways to spiritual conversations and relationship building.
Mexico: January 2022
In Mexico, we'll take a trip to the beach and invite church members to join us for a social BBQ and fishing. We'll build relationships with wonderful people that you will grow to love while we learn how to do a DBS!
Malawi: June 2022
Come join our team as we encourage our brothers and sisters in Malawi in their walk with Jesus through Ezra Journey's disciple making and Farming God's Way. "Living God's Way" always produces good in everyone's lives. We will be sharing the Jesus Film in villages, facilitating Discovery Bible Studies, and encouraging the leaders. We'll sing, celebrate, eat, pray, open the Scriptures together, and just enjoy each other because of Jesus!